Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What are the best false eyelashes to buy and how does one apply them?

the most consistent brand is shu uemura. you can get them at sephora or at department stores. they are a bit expensive at around $18 sometimes other brands work as well. it depends on what look you are going for. you need to look for more natural looking ones regardless of length and just avoid the nasty plastic ones. well you could use the plastic ones for practice. target has cheap and nice falsies too. you can also try using individual lashes. the best lash glue is duo adhesive.

you can start by curling your real lashes,

then apply a bit of glue to the base of the falsies (all over but not too much) wave them around for about 5 seconds to make the glue a bit tacky.

place them on top of your lash line(where your real lashes start to grow).

you can move them around to get them into place.

if its a more realistic/natural lash you add mascara to your real lashes to merge the real and the fake.

sometimes the lashes are to big and so you may have to fit them to your eyes and trim the sides.

adding individual lashes are a bit different.

take the lash with a tweezer

add some glue on a plastic container

dip the end of the lash in the glue and wave them around for a good 3-5 seconds.

add the lash to the areas of your lashline.

it might be easier to apply falsies with tweezers. it depends on the person really but tweezers are a great help for smaller lashes.

you can also cut one lash into half and apply to the outer corners of your eyes. practice makes perfect.

falsies are best paired with liquid/gel liner.What are the best false eyelashes to buy and how does one apply them?
Id hae to say the best ones ive tried are the single lashes that you glue on individually. I know eyelure and other makeup brands sell then now. They give such a natural look and canlast up to 3 weeks!What are the best false eyelashes to buy and how does one apply them?
I use false lashes regularly on my clients and have used everything from the very expensive to the super cheap. My favourites, in no particular order are: Sephora ($8), ELF ($1) and MAC (not sure of the price). It depends on the kind of look you are going for. ELF is great for just enhancing what you have and is the most natural. MAC has several to choose from. For me personally (and I have access to any of the brands) I go with ELF because then I do not feel guilty about trashing them after a use. Sephora has a great kit under their name too.

Hope this helps!

Good luck :)

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